Get Your Group Leaders to Take Attendance The Easy Way.
Get new insights into group engagement and real-time feedback from leaders, so you can provide better care.

Make it easier & faster for your leaders to take.
They’ll click the link in the reminder that will open up the attendance form on any device.
To save them even more time, names are pre-checked and they don’t have to login.
Leaders can also add guests right on the form.
They can take attendance by email or text.
They control if they want to receive a text reminder and when they want it.

Get real-time feedback from leaders about their group.

Their answers will be emailed to you (and their coach) and saved in their group profile.
👍 It’s a great way to hear directly from leaders about when their group is going well or not.
Provider better care with accountability.
For every few days a leader doesn’t take attendance, they’re sent reminders.
If they still don’t take it, then you (and their coach) are notified. 👍 This provides a great touch-point with the leader.

Now you’ll know how active your groups are right now.

We’ll let you know with the group active rate.
This metric tells you the % of the time the group has met in their last 4 scheduled meetings.
👍 It’s a great way to tell if your groups are currently meeting consistently or not.